Ms Claudette brightens each room she steps into! And if you’ve been to the HCM campus, you have experienced it first hand! Claudette is the housekeeper and she keeps things running smoothly and of course clean!
Claudette has been part of the team since 2012, she came to HCM with no place to stay, asking for employment. During that time we had so many teams we surely needed the extra hands! Little did we know that Claudette would become such a key staff member, she is so trustworthy and reliable! We thank God for her every day! And at the same time she is so thankful to be employed by HCM, which allows her to take care of her 3 children and 2 grandchildren. If it weren’t for your donations then, and now, we wouldn’t have been able to employ Claudette and helped her stay out of poverty!
Your funds go to employing many Haitians like Claudette, which not only provides for their needs, but they in turn help their families. The impact your giving makes goes beyond what we can even see!