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  • Writer's pictureHaitian Christian Mission


The people of Haiti hear news reports of communities being taken over by gangs. Each day they pray their community is not next. Unfortunately the community of La Croix, just outside of the major city of Gonaives, was not exempt. About a month ago a gang intruded the city, stopping the whole community in its tracks. A church member was kidnapped. The school was completely shut down and it was unsafe for Pastor Noubelson to host church services. Fear, hurt, and anxiety were knocking on their doors.

BUT our God is good! Even though the church could not physically meet, their souls were crying out for God’s protection. You, our HCM partners, were praying fervently over this community. We are pleased to say that the community is slowly returning to the way things were before. Gangs have dispersed. The school has reopened and the church has reunited the past few Sundays. Please continue to pray for a hedge of protection over this town and many others just like it across Haiti.

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