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  • Writer's pictureThonny Fabien


It was a regularly scheduled soccer practice, that Friday afternoon, October 16. Louibenson left his house and caught a ride to take him to the soccer field.  He signaled for the driver to stop and began to climb out of the vehicle, but the driver didn’t stop! Louibenson tumbled out of the car, with impact right to his head! He was gravely injured, his left ear began bleeding profusely and he lost consciousness.

I quickly went to get him to a hospital, the entire drive spent trying to keep him alive and praying for God’s mercy on Louibenson’s life. It took several hours to find him medical care, as some clinics wouldn’t admit him due to the complications of his head injury. My coaches and I spent the day and night at the hospital, talking to doctors about his treatment options. I saw Louibenson as dead, but God saw life! It is because of His miracle and mercy that Louibenson is alive.

Thanks to God, Louibenson is getting better. He is home from the hospital. He is having regular doctors’ visits, but thankfully, no need for surgery.  The PIF ministry has covered his medical costs to help the family. Not only did God save a young man’s life, but he also preserved the witness of the PIF program from those who might use this accident as an excuse to discredit the ministry. 

Sometimes, we might feel alone, but the truth is that God is in the midst of our game. He gives us a team to support us during tough times.  We know our friends in the US are part of our team and are praying for us. This month, PIF is organizing a regional community competition. This event will bring many spectators, fans, and families to the soccer field. Please know that God is empowering PIF athletes and coaches to impact our community with the Good News. We are ministering to the community and helping young people learn to use their talent in a positive way. Thank you for joining our team!

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