Thoman carries the name of a French man, by the name of Thomas who lived there during the colonization. This community that sits on top of mountains is located between Fonds-Parisien and Fonds-Verrette.
There are about 10,000 people living in this community. The main activities of the area are raising animals, such as goats, donkeys, cows, and pigs. Farming beans, corn, and sweet potatoes. But when there is no rain, it leaves the people in the community very vulnerable. There are some who have small businesses.
They do face many problems such as not having clean water, not having electricity, a well-equipped hospital, and no proper roads to reach the community. It gets very cold in winter and then it is hot for the rest of the year.
Enock Maxilus pastors about 250 people in the local church. Enock took over leading this church after his father, who started the church in 1982, passed away. It was a blessing to see him continue on what his father has started. Now his daughters are helping him start a youth ministry. This is one of the church’s main goals, to have a healthy youth program in order to invest in the next generation.
There are two schools in this community: Eben-Ezer of Thoman Christian School and Christian School of Thoman. Some future goals for the Christian School of Thoman are to build 3 more classrooms, build a new latrine, and fence the school.
Continue reading to learn more about the Christian School of Thoman and how you can support this school.

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by committing to a monthly donation.
Founded in 1982
Grades: Pre K through Elementary
Current Students: 150
Classrooms: 5
Teachers: 8
School Principal: Enock Maxilus

Your commitment would provide the school with well trained teachers. Books and uniforms for students. A daily meal for each child. And a safe learning environment.
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