Play it Forward
2020 Fall Fundraiser
Dear HCM Friends,
10 minutes is all it takes to learn something new about Jesus.
Our PIF coaches won’t dismiss their players from the field without requiring them to spend at least ten minutes focusing on God’s truth and the life saving principles from His Word.
That’s how it’s done at HCM’s Play It Forward program. Those who participate will learn about Jesus. On the playing field, at practices, every time, in various ways--but at every opportunity. PIF is a ministry of sport that is so much more than playing soccer or basketball. Kids need to be taught in a language they can understand. When we put a ball in their hand or under their feet, they light up! They’re ready to be motivated and dedicated. Using this language of sport, we teach them about the life changing power of the Gospel.
Like most activities, PIF has been canceled for the past five months. Time lost when young Haitian teens could have been growing in their relationships with Jesus. Thankfully, this month, Haiti is seeing a decrease in Coronavirus activity and we’ve cautiously resumed programming. We’re excited to welcome players and coaches back to the fields to begin practicing and playing. But we need help to buy the tools to effectively teach Haitian youth Biblical truth through this ministry of sport.
In 2019, more than 250 students and coaches participated in PIF. Of these, many of the current coaches are graduates of the PIF program. These young coaches are currently attending college or trade-school, having made their decision to follow Jesus because of the truths they learned both on and off the athletic field. They are now discipling new athletes, sharing the Gospel and baptizing them into a new life.
Will you help us by giving towards the $30,750 needed to finish 2020 with this strong Biblical discipleship program for young Haitian athletes? The needs of this outreach are basic, such as:
soccer and basketballs, at $3,000
player cleats and shoes $4,500
Bibles for participants, $900
trophies, medals and certificates, $1,850
programming and materials to train more than 200 coaches and parents on Biblical mentoring, $5,000
Christmas gifts for player’s families (rice, beans and oil) $3,500
purchase of a program vehicle, $12,000. (This is needed to transport players to practices and games. Currently, we have no vehicle.)
You might ask, “Why do we do PIF, in a country where it might seem other needs are more pressing?” We must have a way to make disciples, and we have found sports mentoring programs to be an effective way to do so.We are teaching them about Jesus, and how to serve others and their communities, through sports and teamwork. Will you help us with this unique and highly effective ministry? Your gift’s impact will be felt for years to come!
Thank you for any help you can give. Blessings to you,
Edwens Prophete