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Looking back 50 years ago, God raised up a Haitian Brother and Sister in Christ, Etienne & Betty Prophete, to evangelize throughout all of Haiti. They dedicated their lives to preaching Jesus and His life-saving message, with Etienne continuing this mission until the Lord called him home, on February 5, 2021.
Here are just a few ways you can celebrate with us this year:
Because of your commitment to supporting the Prophete's vision, this year we are celebrating 50 years of evangelizing, ministering, and educating thousands in Haiti.
As we look toward the next 5, 10, and 50 years of HCM would you make a One-Time Legacy Gift
by the end of 2024 or a Two-Year Pledge Commitment starting in 2024?
This would be considered above and beyond your appreciated continuing gifts. HCM is grateful for every planned gift received. These gifts ensure the strong financial future of the mission, so that generations of Haitians can receive the Hope of Christ and generations of children can receive education.
Click the photo to download and post to your social media.
Don't forget to tag us (@haitianchristianmission)

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