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Campus Distribution 2022
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Will you help us restock
the storehouse so we
can be prepared to respond immediately  to emergencies
within our communities?

Being proactive will allow us to gather essential supplies now, while we have the ability to do so. We can take advantage of having access to open stores and roads. Typically when disaster or crisis hits, things are affected immediately and we have to wait to help until we can locate food, building materials, or other relief items. This year we want to be prepared.

Could you give towards the $50,000 needed by June 15, to provide relief and aid to those affected by natural disasters and humanitarian crises? 


A gift of—

  • $150 could provide a family with a tent for temporary shelter.

  • $200 could provide 10 families with first aid kits.

  • $750 could provide 50 families with basic sanitary items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap.

  • $2,000 could provide a family with roofing materials to repair their home.

Whether it's providing immediate relief in the aftermath of a natural disaster, or offering ongoing support to those facing hardship, your contributions play a vital role in our ability to make a meaningful impact.

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